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Moccasin Trail markers

Moccasin Trail kiosk and trail markers
As part of the Government of Canada’s "Canada 150 Infrastructure Program," the Town of Oakville, along with the Oakville Community Foundation, received grant money to fund an information kiosk and trail sign system honouring Oakville’s rich Indigenous heritage. 

Artwork was developed for several panels as well as a series of thirteen plaques containing aboriginal stories, verses and information relating to the land, water and sky, giving visitors a deeper understanding of aboriginal heritage. Content for the information booth and plaques was developed in partnership with the Mississauga’s of the New Credit First Nation and Indigenous community members. 

A simple and consistent design layout was all that was required to tell the story and showcase the unique artwork and photos displayed on both the kiosk and the trail markers. Colour palette and placement of design elements were selected in consultation with the Indigenous community, so that the final designs honours any symbolic or cultural heritage.

Since installation, there have been a number of guided Moccasin Trail walks within the community. One such compliment was from a local school group (as part of the Oakville Community Foundation's "Community Classroom" program): 

"Phenomenal!  Well engaged. Retained information that was new to them, teachers loved it. They want to do it as a PD day. Spent some time with local residents who were quite impressed! Needs to be two hours for the students." 
- S. Paquette 

Lead designer: Jeff Smalley, Creative Services Advisor
Supporting designer: Kimberley Fabiano, Graphic Designer
Moccasin Trail markers

Moccasin Trail markers

Graphic design for a municipal and Indigenous heritage project.


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