E-learning Europa Info
elearningeuropa.info is a portal established by the European Commission to promote the use of multimedia technologies and Internet at the service of education and training. 
Is an open platform where the players and communities that use it can obtain information, share experiences, tell others about their projects and discuss ideas.

My job consisted in editorial control, coordination among translators (23 languages), new user interface and remodelation of the project by creating new areas (
e-learning Papers, Community and Directory

The elearningeuropa.info portal is a European Commission initiative which forms part of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The site is managed and maintained byP.A.U. Education
Genis Roca.

From 2005  to 2006.

E-Learning Europa

E-Learning Europa

European Commission website to promote the use of multimedia technologies and Internet for education and training. In charge of the creation of t 자세히 보기


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