W|W led CHROME (formerly Washington Community Federal Credit Union) through a comprehensive rebranding. The collaboration included development of a research-driven Brand Platform, Audience Personas, Naming, Corporate Identity Package, Integrated Design + Style Guide, Brand Video, Brand Culture Handbook, Digital Components, Environmental & Decor Elements and more. The transformation not only includes a new name, but a new business model. According to Christopher George, President and CEO, “CHROME is simply good banking. To us that means easy-to-use accounts, less fees, more stores and smart people who can’t wait to help. We’ll also be serving up state-of-the-art online and mobile banking, CHROME Confidence and security assistance and more.” 

Successful organizational transformation relies on cultural alignment behind the repositioned brand framework. To help on-board the existing internal team and train new employees, W|W produced the CHROME Brand Handbook and companion Brand Video that reinforce CHROME’s time to shine. 

In creating CHROME’s identity, W|W designed a comprehensive brand system that addresses the names & conventions, architecture, iconography and color palette for CHROME products and services. The Brand Style Guide then adds messaging and voice to extend the visual toolkit into the tactical vehicles, from digital to debit cards and home loans to haikus. 

In addition to designing the signage and branded decor elements for the retail space and headquarters, W|W worked closely with CHROME’s design/build partners to ensure a seamless, integrated experience at all touch-points from art directing how the exterior brick was laid to CHROME Moments, an interactive card wall installation.

Once the foundational components of the retail experience were completed, W|W extended the brand toolkit for CHROME’s Small Business operating unit. The design elements, voice and personality for Small Business remain consistent with the parent brand while targeting different audience personas. 
CHROME Federal Credit Union
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CHROME Federal Credit Union

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