Henkilön Vrisha Rongala profiili

Posters for Microsoft

A series of posters created based on Microsoft requirement. These posters are a part of the Microsoft's Global Delivery campaign. 
6 values campaign poster - The campaign aimed to educate evryone at Microsoft of the company's
6 values -
1. Integrity and Honesty 2. Open and Respectful 3. Taking on Big Challenges 4. Passion 5. Being Accountable and 6. Being Self-critical.
Poster for Global Delivery 1.4.7 - 1 Charter, 4 Goals and 7 Strategies. 
Microsoft's GD calendar that can be integrated into the office email service makes it easier to maintain a healthy work-life balance. By updating one calendar with both work and personal appointments, being organised at both work and home is much easier. 
The anual recognition event. Awarding the best  for their contribution. 
A poster that informs where one can find more information regarding performance cycle, timeline and performance appraisal. 
Formidable data security systems of Microsoft
Posters for Microsoft

Posters for Microsoft

Series of posters for Microsoft.
