THINK helps not for profit organisations of all shapes and sizes bring their vision to life and make it happen in the world.
We worked with THINK to create a short film highlighting their five areas of expertise. Titled 'Where are you going?', its core proposition is that THINK can help you on your fundraising journey, every step of the way. 
The result is an arresting 90 second film that communicates in a contemporary and entertaining way.

Created mostly in After Effects using the 2.5d system which enables flat planes to be manipulated to appear to be 3d. Various plug-ins were used to create the wave effect on the water. The smoke was created in Trapcode Particular. Softimage was used for the underwater sequence, with particle effects used for the bubbles. 
Client: Think Consulting Solutions
Creative Director: Craig Wilkinson/Kate Bowen, UP
CG/Animation/Compositing: Craig Wilkinson, UP
Tools: After Effects. Softimage. Trapcode Form


THINK helps not for profit organisations of all shapes and sizes bring their vision to life and make it happen in the world. We worked with THINK Read More
