Seen below is an e-book PDF I created for a financial firm.
Seen below is a poster I designed, advertising an athletic supplement. A red triangle is one of their brand marks.
Seen below are the front and back sides of a sell sheet for a consulting service.
Below is a window decals design for a pharmacy called YouDrugmart.
This is a poster I designed, advertising a low-cost Insulin supplies company. It has been a pleasure to work with this company as their client base and business profile continues to grow.
This is my design for a postcard-sized flier as part of a mailing campaign.
This is a jar product label I created for a powder supplement sold in the UK. The challenge here was to marry the ideas of 'Marine' with 'Pineapple' and 'Peach'. Each flavour's colours are distinct, yet feel warm and part of the group; this will be true for future flavour additions as well.
This is a business card design I created for a general contractors and construction group. I also created the logo.
A stand-up poster I designed for a medical billing service, which was featured at their conference booth.
This is a rewards card I designed for a pharmacy in Winnipeg.
This is a brochure I designed for a medical billing service, doing accounting and invoice submissions to OHIP for medical practitioners.
This is a sticker I designed for a different medical billing service.
I designed the branding for a pharmacy outside of Winnipeg.
Below are examples of my subsequent print work for that pharmacy. 1. Two designs of promotional magnets; 2. A prescription bag insert meant to encourage positive reviews; 3. A poster advertising an informational presentation.
Below, the top row left and right are alternate front side designs of the same business card. 
Print Design
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Print Design

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