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Practice Development Kits for Mizuho Hana surgical bed

Mizuho Practice Development Kits for
Anterior Hip Replacement with the Hana Surgical Bed
(Campaign Creative #1)

Mizuho OSI partnered with Pinpoint to develop 2 new campaigns that each contained a suite of materials to help their Accredited Surgery Centers and Hospital Systems promote anterior hip replacement surgery made possible by their Hana surgical bed. The kits contained ready-made, semi customizable print ads, a patient brochure, email blast templates, social media posts, web banner ads, posters, table tents, and event kit which allowed practices to promote anterior hip surgery seminars in the practice.
Practices can choose between the two campaigns depending on their market. Each asset was rolled out with several different model/photo selections to connect with different patient demographics.
Practice Development Kits for Mizuho Hana surgical bed

Practice Development Kits for Mizuho Hana surgical bed

Practice Development Kits to help accredited surgery centers and hospital systems promote anterior hip replacement surgery using the Mizuho Hana Read More
