Coffice is a fictional product created for an academic project for the master in Digital Experience Design at BAU. It's a club of cafés available for millennial freelancers who wish to work out of their homes. It was a quick exercise on business model, content, UI and UX.
Value proposition
The project started from choosing a target audience and doing some research on their needs & aspirations.

Coffice offers millennials the freedom to work from different locations everyday and embraces this generation's spirit of hardly settling down for an office routine.
It offers exclusive combos and discounts, as well as promotes special events, made to suit the users lifestyles.

Style guide
To make this product relevant and to translate its values it needed a fresh look. In order to do so, I've set a personality to Coffice - based on the targeted audience - and designed a style guide to suit it.

Bright colours, modern typography and flat graphics were key to translate the fun I aimed for. In order to deliver playfulness and to give it an unique look, I've put some illustration work on the product, with a simple yet very "personal" style.

Responsive interface
Considering that the target user spends more time navigatin on mobile, the natural approach was to go mobile first. Then, desktop and tablet. The layout was designed to be responsive to each screen size, keeping consistency despite the device's dimension.
Mobile prototype (enter full screen for a better view)
Tablet prototype (enter full screen for a better view)
Mobile prototype (enter full screen for a better view)


Responsive landing page for a café network.
