Edd Smith's profileAnil Nataly's profile

Darbar Festival

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The Darbar Festival is quite possibly the largest celebration of Indian Classical Music outside of India. Every year it descends upon the southbank centre in london for four days of increcible music. The website is designed to promote the festival but also act as the ultimate online resource for all things indian music.
For me this website was a serious achievement. It was one of the first projects in my portfolio that alllowed me to truly demonstrate what i was capable of. It was quite the feat, the desktop website alone taking three months to build, followed up by the mobile website in a substantially shorter time frame.
The website was designed by art director Bigeyebrow. I then worked closley with the Festivals artistic director Sandeep Virdee to perfect the websites design and functionality. 
The mobile website was designed to be the perfect companion, to the festival and it was extremley rewarding to see so many people wandering around the Southbank Centre using the mobile website. 
Built on the Expression Engine CMS allowing for easy editing of the website. Expression Engine really leant itself to this project with the simple way it allows for the management of masses of data. 
I got a chance to use some HTML5 & CSS3 to achieve effects that you would traditionally have to rely on the jQuery libary for.
The website was officially lauched at the 2012 Darbar Festival by the head of arts council england who heaped praise upon myself and Bigeyebrow for our work.
In 2013 our work on the Darbar Festival continues as we streamline, optimise, improve and grow the site ahead of this years festival. With talks of even more features being introduced for the 2014 festival and discussions about the viability of an iOS and Android app.
I am incredibly proud of our ongoing work on this project.
See it on our website
Darbar Festival

Darbar Festival

Desktop and stand-alone mobile website for the Darbar Festival.
