BA Graphic Design Final Year Project 2019
Title: How to Educating Young People Worldwide on the Impact of Colonialism in Hong Kong
Design Outcome
Game of Hong Kong, a series of mini educational family board games, each base on an aspect of Hong Kong such as architecture, street names and food.

Architectural Beauty
Remake of the well known card game Concentration - a game in which all the card face down and two cards are flipped each turn, with the objective of turning over a matching pair. The illustrations are base on the architectures that were built during British Hong Kong period.

Streets of Hong Kong
Remake of chess game Snake and Ladder - a chess game with the objective to navigate one's game piece, according to dice rolls, from the start to the finish, helped or hindered by the staircase. The theme is the street names in Hong Kong, most common visual reminder of British remnants.
Cha Chaan Teng
Remake of the classic board game Dominoes - each “domino” is a rectangular card with a line diving its two ends. Base on the food culture in Hong Kong, each end is marked with a type of local Hong Kong food that is heavily influence by the British culture.  
A brochure illustrating the interesting stories behind the iconic food in Hong Kong.

Brochure & Final Year Project Report exploring how Hong Kong's unique culture have developed.
Game of Hong Kong
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Game of Hong Kong

Final year project on the topic of colonialism in Hong Kong. A series of board game each featuring a category of architecture, street names, food Ver mais

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