We are back with a new work made of papier mache and this time we have created the frame for our illustration.
♦This work is FOR SALE!
There is only one piece available, those interested in buying CONTACT US!!
(the sale will be announced also on facebook, instagram and twitter)

In this work is entitled Oblio
— OCTOPUS TENTACLES: In ancient times, these octopus was seen as messenger of the abyss, a symbol of disturbing grip. It is considered a sly and ambiguous animal. In addition he was connected the reputation of aphrodisiac animal, which could bring obscene and lustful dreams.
— EYES: The eyes in the tentacles can have two meanings: the first is the open eye that gazes steadily and observes your every move, like a big brother. The second one can be an invitation to look beyond appearances without being influenced by others
— FLOWERS: symbol of life as the flower will wither sooner or later. Flower Cherry (Sakura/ “桜 ” in Japanese) for its delicacy, the short period of its existence, is the symbol of fragility. Metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition often associated Buddhist influence and which finds expression in the concept of “mono no aware”. The transience of flowers, their extreme beauty and quick death, has been associated with death.
— MOON: The moon is a symbol of life, of constant change, and also hypnotic. The moon in its phases reminds us this kind of never-ending process of recycling and regeneration.

OBLIO (painting on sale)