Profil Kay Ooi

Tattoo Art Inspired Light Table

This was my As level Product Design final piece. It is a light table for tattoo shops inspired by tattoo design. The materials used are MDF, acrylic, chipboard and an LED light strip.
It started with the initial ideas. I drew 30 initial sketches of ideas around the brief that I had given myself. I then drew 10 of those initial ideas up in more detail and landed on this one. I then got measurements and made 3-4 pages of drawings for potential stylistic choices for this design. Once i had my measurements I drew up the designs i wanted on 2D design and laser printed the shapes onto card to trace and cut out with the jigsaw. 
At this point looking at the structure of the table I decided that I wasn't happy with the base so I took the shape of the top and shrunk it down on 2D design, laser printed that shape onto card and cut it out of MDF with a jigsaw. I then painted all of my parts white.
I then focused on the designs for laser engraving. For the mandala and the moth design it was printed onto card and scrap wood/acrylic before being printed finally. I also used the laser cutter to cut out the black acrylic slabs for the top, the clear acrylic cover for the lights and mandala and the triangle sections to be stuck onto the body. All CAD and CAM was done through 2D design.
I used epoxy resin to stick the acrylic parts onto the wood. The LED lights have a controller and can be changed to many different settings. This is my final product.
Tattoo Art Inspired Light Table

Tattoo Art Inspired Light Table
