Digital pop art for a 30-metre-high department store facade
The South Korean luxury department store The Hyundai invited Universal Everything to direct a series of video artworks for a 30-metre-high LED video wall covering its facade in Seoul.

Superconsumers is a response to the luxury consumer products on sale within the department store. Universal Everything created a series of extreme digital-pop-art amplifications of these products, bringing them to life as a diverse, animated parade of characters – from metallic puffer jackets to elaborate jewellery, gastronomical creations to bold floral arrangements.

Chapters in the Superconsumers series were revealed throughout spring 2019. See all chapters.

1. Launch
2. Perfume
3. Furniture
4. Floral
5. Sports
6. Fashion
7. Lifestyle
8. Glass
9. Gastronomy
10. Technology
11. Jewellery
12. Lighting

Limited edition Superconsumers prints are now on sale in our online shop – order now.

Commissioned by Hyundai LIVART ArtLab
Creative Directors: Matt Pyke, Mike Hughes
Senior Producer: Greg Povey
Animators: Joe Street, Rupert Burton, Chris Perry

