Megan Ingles profil

Typographical Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson Book Sleeve
The project involved creating a book sleeve for the historically famous Emily Dickinson.  The book was to be a modern printing of her poems for high school English classes to use in the classroom.  
I first began with creating a vector image of Dickinson using any typography.  The process required sampling from a multitude of different typefaces and families in order to get the correct shape desired to simulate her natural features.  After creating outlines for the text and adding an embedded example of the original image, the final result was created.  
I then went to creating the book sleeve.  I wanted to keep in with her line of work so I used a vector image of a pen nib; the type of writing utensil she would have used.  I placed in diagonal so that the eyes of the reader were drawn to the corner of the book where a large ink spot ended the words of the title "Much Madness". I chose a font that was in the style of how a nib would write: very blotchy and uneven at times.  I feel not only does it keep in with the time era, but it goes along with the name of the book nicely.
Below is the brainstorming that was involved.
Typographical Emily Dickinson

Typographical Emily Dickinson
