Perfil de Michela Graziani

Symbolikon - Download Vector Library of Symbols

I am raising funds to bring to the next level Symbolikon project.
Have a look to the current pre-campaign and leave me your feedback!
Your comments are really important to improve the campaign and to test your reaction to my idea.
What is Symbolikon?
Symbolikon is an extensive Library of "ethno esoteric mystic magical" symbols for Creatives / Graphic Designers / Tattoo artist / Visual Designers.

650+ EthnoGraphic Symbols organized in 25 categories  with general Meanings and specific description of each symbol. 

Every Symbol is Carefully Redesigned in a consistent and modern style, available in 4 styles variations (Light, Bold, Outlined, Grayed)

Symbols come in vector (SVG, AI) and raster format (jpg, pdf). 
Watch this video to enter into the flow of this project ... is a journey to discover different Culture and Ages...
Where do these symbols comes from?
Every symbol has a different story...most of them are found reading books or studying graphic communication, some found on niche blogs, other are discovered in arts….all of them are hand-picked for both graphic and meanings reasons.
Antropographic research and development
+650 Symbols in 4 versions
Every single symbol has 4 different versions carefully designed for their specific purpose : 
Light - for fine graphics 
Bold - for a strong style 
Outline - for a more complex visual 
Grey - ready to be filled with colors you like more 
Kepher, Scarab symbol on the sphinx statue by Cleopatra's Needle
The greyed version has been designed with the purpose to be filled with colors. Every symbol's element can be selected and filled with gradient or flat colors. 
Search the symbol you need using tags
A useful combination of Tags related to each symbol make the research easy and efficient.  Tags help to get drive the search into the direction you need.
Tags example for Koru symbol part of Maori category
Which categories?
After project completion I’m planning to continue my journey adding new categories and exploring other cultures:  Mapuche, Shintoism, Induism, Islamism, Australian aboriginal art ... Plant symbolism and many more.
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Symbolikon - Download Vector Library of Symbols
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Symbolikon - Download Vector Library of Symbols

Symbolikon is an extensive Library of Ethno-Esoteric-Mystic-Magical Symbols for Creatives/Graphic Designers/Tattoo artist/Visual Designers 650+ Ver mais

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