Ana Sousa profili

An art catalogue for Ana Guimbra

An art catalogue for Ana Guimbra 
Ana Guimbra is a young performance artist.

Her work is composed by the smells, the sounds, ambients and scenarios, everything created meticulously for every performance.

They have a somewhat childish and innocent appearance, her characters look like dolls most of the times but she always deal with darker subjects, trying to convey an idea of destruction that does not kill, but creates. From the needles that spell, the scissors that cut... 
Design and photo-documentation: AnaSousa
This is project made for the 1º year of the masters degree in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects in Fine Artes Faculty of University of Oporto. 
Supervised by Eduardo Aires.

An art catalogue for Ana Guimbra
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An art catalogue for Ana Guimbra

This is an art catalogue for a portuguese young performance artist

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