Bradley Hein 님의 프로필

Aseem Yoga Brand Development

An innovator had an amazing idea for a yoga product but wasn’t sure how to go about marketing it. Since you cannot patent fashion items made from fabrics, it was critical to establish his company as the market leader through a stylish and grounded brand. So within 3 months, I:
     > Secured customer insights from a focus group
     > Created the company’s name, visual identity and messaging platform
     > Orchestrated a photo shoot
     > Recorded and edited videos
     > Revamped the website with the new brand
     > Launched the social media channels
Although yoga has long since crossed the borders of India, the brand honors its origins. "Aseem" means "limitless" in Hindi which is the most common language in India other than English.

Desktop view of homepage.
Aseem Yoga Brand Development

Aseem Yoga Brand Development

Launching a new affordable luxury yoga brand, with a counter-market approach to the brand identity.


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