Ideation: Raven
My whole idea is based on the name raven and I used some of the unique selling points/characteristics based on the paper airplane model.  Raven means a large heavily built crow with mainly black plumage, feeding chiefly on carrion In Greek mythology, ravens are associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy. When your life is full of raven symbolism, it just signifies that you have a strong and mysterious force surrounding you. You attract others while making them fearful of you at the same time. symbolizes your intelligence and your ability to learn quickly. You use what you learn to figure out solutions to your problems. signifies mystery and divination, and the attraction to the magical or mystical ways. Some unique selling points of plane is that it flies high and fly in flow and in the direction where you throw it. It goes with the air flow.  So, after few rough sketches I finalized my branding shape which is an irregular curvy liquid type shape which signifies the air flow and levitation. The color scheme/ gradient use is inspired by the baugasm moment. The use of pink purple signifies the link of spirituality and intelligence. . 

Rough Sketches
Paper airplane kit


Paper airplane kit
