Sterling Hundley 님의 프로필

The Spoils of Saint Hubris
The Spoils of Saint Hubris is the first part in the ongoing exhibition series entitled The Spoils by acclaimed American artist, Sterling Clinton Hundley. Through The Spoils, Hundley explores the connection between method and message, as well as technology and tradition. The Catholic legend of Saint Hubert, the patron Saint of hunters and mathematicians, serves as an armature that draws into question timeless themes of ambition, loyalty, apathy and the resulting consequences within contemporary culture.
Pageantry and Cadence
36" x 48"
Oil on panel
The Spoils of Saint Hubris


The Spoils of Saint Hubris

"The Spoils of Saint Hubris" is the first exhibition in an ongoing series of paintins, drawings, and sculptures entitled "The Spoils" by acclaime 자세히 보기
