This little poem is dedicated to Lavender fashion color, which is very beautiful and is psychologically associated with Femininity, Grace, Purity, Devotion and Love. It envokes feelings of Nostalgia or Romance as its symbolizm includes Wonder and aura of Impossibility. 
The girl in the poem is the fashion color itself, Lavender, having introspective insights on her own nature.
Lavender’s melancholy…

This is a story of a girl whose name’s Lavender
Or Love, or Lovely just for short…
Indulging in daydreams throughout the calendar
She is so often caught right on the spot…
She’s often mantled by her thoughts,
Enclosed by mysteries and shadows,
The sharpest intuition she promotes,
And facts are often not her fellows…
…So she was sitting on her own
Veiled by the cloud of dreams as usual…
A little melancholic, sad, a bit forlorn…
And suddenly she is disturbed and thrown into confusion!!!!
A little meadow dweller with big ears and hairy legs
Bumped unexpectedly into the thoughtful lady!
He cursed unpleasantly and gathered back his strengths…
                                               …and straightened to full length…
But, frankly, it was not so scary…
The cloud of her reflections disappeared;
Reluctantly she turned her head
To find a furious and groggy dwarf with a disheveled beard…
Though didn’t feel the fright but sympathy instead.
The little old and awkward dwarf was waving hands in rather touching manner;
Was barely balancing on short and hairy legs and quickly growing red…
“Oh! Dear gentleman! I’m sorry!! It makes me even sadder!
This luckless incident is making me upset!!!”
He stopped at once his bustling movements;
And put in order hands and gathered steady legs;
His heart immediately melted and his anger ruined,
He swallowed instantly all his complaints…
He said: “Oh Lovely lady! You don’t need to worry!
I am entirely OK!
But you have told, and I can not ignore it, --
 You had been sad before I fell… Then why? You’re having a bad day?”
She answered, and her voice was soft and tender
“My dear schrewd kind-hearted dwarf!
My full name is LavEnder
The short form you have guessed right off,
They call me Love, and Lovely, and I’m not a pretender…
But in my whole name hides the reason of my being always slightly sad:
It keeps reminding me that all good things come to their End…”
….And so did this story… 

Lavender's Melancoly. Part 2. The Sudden Solvation Offered by the Hairy Legged Dwarf.

My dearly beloved and faithful friends,
I lied to you without even knowing.
I said the story had come to its end,
But as I found out yet the narrative keeps flowing!
The curious and tender-hearted dwarf
Was not so quick to leave the lady;
He even missed his daily round of golf
Because of the philosopher deep down in his heart
That hadn’t been persuaded.
By chance, the dwarf was so experienced and wise
That couldn’t help giving advice…
He squinted both his safely hidden eyes
Under the curtain of the bushy and unruly brows
And thoughtfully he finally pronounced:
My little girl, I lived a lot of years before I met you!
And I can see more than you knew!
I see your nature as it breaks right through!
Your aura is a mix of pink and blue,
But blue is overdominating,
And it oppresses pink and blocks its jolly ways;
So you are down in the dumps and more and more frustrating,
And rain is pouring on your sunny days!”
“Oh, Mr Dwarf! I knew about my double nature!
But you’ve made things sound even stranger…
The overdomination is a surprise…
Maybe Creation gave me extra bonus prize…
What can I do? I am condemned forever,
My name, my aura… don’t need to be clever
To understand that melancholy wouldn’t compromise!!!”
“Oh Child! I’ll bring you a solvation!
I know the way to dry your salty tears!
With these pink glasses comes conciliation;
Please put aside your ancient fears!
They will correct your vision, force the good vibrations;
You’ll find yourself in an alternative new world!
After you gain a consolation,
You’ll realize it tastes like sweet not only salt!...
And see how many miracles are here to unfold!!!”
With these sincere words of comfort
He put the glasses on her nose
And she forgot at once from what she suffered
And willingly gave up to marvels of the pinky dose!!!
Happy End!!!
Lavender's Melancoly
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Lavender's Melancoly

A surreal poem about an embodied trendy fashion color Lavender with some psychological and phylosophical insights... Have a good read!

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