The core objectives of the brand is to make people aware of this place and drive out the curiosity factor to its maximum. The campaign shall focus upon creating visuals as per the objectives and represent the core imaginative idea throughout the campaign.

There is no specific Target audience for this brand as it is a creative and thought provoking campaign so the target audience can be anyone who exists in the real world and has the power of imagination and dreaming, though it exists in every single person on this earth so there are no boundaries for the target audience.

The big idea is to let people enter a world where they can Live their dreams or imagination so that is what the brand is selling through this campaign.

The golden ticket which is a pass to enter in Trance scape will let people to enter in a world which is a stunning one stop all expense paid dream destination. This is just a one time investment to grab the golden ticket and then. people shall settle in and let their worries melt away.
This ticket can be bought by any person as it has customized pricing which means the prices shall differ from person to person according to his/her affordability level.

The tone is to be friendly and exciting yet shall give a touch of darkness throughout the campaign because the old dull lives are to be left behind to enter this new heavenly world.
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CREATIVE BRIEF ORIGIN OF THE IDEA: The big idea of the brand originated from the term utopia. Basically utopia is an imaginary place where a pe Lire la suite

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