01. Behance Thumbnail
02. All About Me
03. Anatomy of Type Face
04. Image Adjustments
05. Clipping Mask
06. Complex Photoshop Colouring Page
07. Super Olympian T-Shirt
08. Blending Images
09. Photoshop Tutorial
10. Spring Concert Posters
11. Saturation
☞ This was our first assignment in graphics. We simply had to search up a large HD photo on google images, load it into photoshop, and add 'Grade 9 Graphics' using the text tool. To make it more visually pleasing, I used three layers of text.
 ☞ For this assignment, we reflected on ourselves and searched for pictures that we believed represented us and the things we enjoy. After finding roughly 10 pictures, we loaded it into photoshop. We had the choice to arrange it in a collage style pattern, or a 'minimalistic' arrangement with white borders. I felt that the minimalistic arrangement represented me more, which is why I chose to use it. When I chose my pictures, I made sure they were relatively soft and pastel so the colours and over-all themes would not clash.
 ☞ Before we started this assignment , our teacher taught us the different types of fonts, like serifs. He gave us a document that showed us the different elements of a font. With this guide and Adobe Illustrator,  we typed our name in a serif font. We had to identify the different elements of a font in our name, highlight it in a different colour and label it. In the background, we wrote our names several times and lowered the opacity. The tools we used in illustrator were the text tool and the line tool. 
☞ We saved an image of a spring scenery using the special search engine tools. We saved it and loaded it into photoshop. Using the rectangular selection tool, I selected several portions of the image and through the 'edit' drop down tool, I adjusted each rectangular selection to create a new colourful photo. Then, I labeled it the photo with ' spring'. I used neutral colours so it would stand out in comparison to the bright neon photo.
☞ For this assignment we had to open and save several photos, and several photoshop projects. We chose a band/theme and saved photos about that motif. We then loaded them into photoshop. We opened a different project and typed a name, or a theme relating to the photo. We saved this photo and loaded it into the previous photoshop project. We turned this into a clipping mask so the word would not be coloured, but rather filled by the picture. We saved this as a PNG, and repeated these steps with the other photos and words. Then, we loaded all the PNG's onto another document and arranged it to make a cool collage.
☞ This assignment had simple steps, however was very time consuming. We simply had to choose a black and white photo, load it into photoshop and colour it in. We had the option to colour another photo, however, I chose to shade my simple page instead. Through this assignment, I learned how to find and use different types of the photoshop brushes.
☞ This assignment took a very long time, and several rough drafts. I first opened a photoshop project to simply just draw and get an idea. In the first image below, you can see the roughest version of my draft. I started by drawing and then lowering the opacity, then cleaning up the lines. I erased the cape and added a circular background using the eclipse tool in photoshop. Then, for my final submission, I put the design onto a red t-shirt as a mock-up. I did a front view and a back view so all aspects of my design could be seen. I put border around the images, labeled it, and made the overall design more appealing for my final submission. 
☞ This  assignment was very simple and quick. We had to choose two images of celebrities or influencers, and two sceneries. We simply loaded one scenery into photoshop, and the picture of the celebrity on top. We lowered the opacity of the celebrity layer so both images can be seen. However, to make both photos blend in a smoother way, I took the eraser tool and erased the background of the celebrity image. I repeated this process for the second image. 
☞ This whole assignment was very independent. Our teacher posted a link onto google classroom and we chose which project we wanted to do. We followed a simple tutorial and then when done that assignment, we did a more complex one. The first image is my simple project. I looked up for a picture of Japan, and a PNG of a hole. I found PNG's of classic Disney characters as well. I loaded all these pictures into photoshop. Now, using the tutorial, I added the light affects near the hole to illustrate the magic of the characters entering the real world. Next, my complex project of choice was to create a license plate from scratch. The instructions were easy to follow, however creating it was very tedious. The tools I used the most were the marquee tools (especially the rectangular one) and the text tool. To make it less clean and more distressed, I used a textured brush and coloured over the license plate with the opacity lowered. I also followed another tutorial to lift the plate's edge.

☞ We were tasked to create a poster for our schools annual dance and band concert. Before starting my project, I saved lots of flower PNG's, a dancer PNG, a ripped page PNG as well as a. musical scale. I simply loaded them all into photoshop and arranged them in the way I wanted. However, for the top right portion of my poster, I took a picture of spring and using the ripped page PNG, I made a synonym. After that, I simply just cleaned everything up using the FX layer options (i.e drop shadow, stroke, etc)
☞ For this assignment, we searched and saved three images from google. The first picture must be of an object, the second of a person and the third must be very colourful. The first object is an action shot of a volleyball game. I chose this picture because volleyball is my favourite sport, and it's a sport I put a lot of my time and work in. As for the second picture, I chose it because it was deemed as 'the greatest selfie ever', it was the first picture that I thought of, and I kept Ellen as the focus because she was the one who initiated the selfie. The last picture was chosen because it was a colourful picture and I decided to highlight the yellow umbrella's because yellow is a very vibrant colour. To desaturate it, we used the magnetic lasso tool and surrounded the object, and then reversed the selection and desaturated it. 
Grade 9 Graphics

Grade 9 Graphics
