Annie Condons profil

Thoughtline Launches In NYC

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Annie Condon, University of Utah strategic communications student, founder brings her version of kindness to the toughest city in the world;
Condon uses chalk and instinct to launch kindness campaign in NYC

PRESS RELEASE - New York City, March 13, 2019 - Annie Condon uses her unique talents, personality and sense of caring for people during time on vacation with her family to impact a city that prides itself on being tough. Setting up next to John Lennon’s Imagine memorial, she etches in chalk one of her favorite quotes by the Beatles star. It’s just another observation on kindness and improving self-esteem that she has collected for Thoughtline’s library of positive inspirational thoughts that she someday hopes will spread around the globe.

Thoughtline at the moment is a tiny corner of the internet,, where her work collecting all manner of positive utterances is currently housed.  

Her hope is that this will grow into a movement that will overwhelm the curtain of negatively that seems to rule communication efforts.  Amelia Blakely, journalism student from Southern Illinois University was so impressed with Annie’s work she took the time to interview her and post the conversation on her Instagram account:

“This is Annie, from Salt Lake City, Utah. While swarms of people walked through Central Park taking pictures at Strawberry Fields across from John Lennon’s apartment, Annie was drawing on the ground a quote from the Beatle. “Love is not something you wish for. It’s something you make.  Something you do. Something you are and something you give away.” Annie said her intentions are set in spreading kindness. Maybe not a lot of people may see this in person, but nearly everyone has a cell phone with Instagram, she said. U go girl: Meeting her was a bright spot on this windy sunny day in NYC. #spreadlove #nikond750 #nyc”

Annie’s father, Kent Condon, a sports editor for the Deseret News, noticed a crowd of over 30 people gathering around Annie’s and work took the pictures above.
“When asked if she realized she was actually launching a PR campaign she said, “I was just doing what I love to do. Spending time in my favorite city, doing some artwork and trying to spread a message that everyone knows deep down but sometimes forgets. That love and kindness are contagious.” 

Sometimes a thought comforting to thousands or even millions around the world is expressed by somebody not looking for PR but trying to do something fun and interesting.  Annie may have inadvertently launched a campaign towards kindness.  Let’s hope so.
See Thoughtline’s messages on Instagram or Facebook @thoughtline_ or view the official website

Media Contacts:
Coltrin & Associates, Inc.
Stephen H. Coltrin

Susan Surillo

Thoughtline Launches In NYC

Thoughtline Launches In NYC
