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Home School vs Traditional BY: Javill Byron

By: Javill Byron

It’s time for the kids to begin schooling and you’re probably wondering if you should opt for homeschooling or traditional schooling.
Modern parents are looking for alternative education models to groom their children; not everyone agrees with the traditional schooling system. Many parents strongly believe individuality and creativity are stunted at regular schools and they prefer to home school their kids.
So, which option is better?

Option #1: Homeschool

What Is Homeschooling?
Homeschooling is educating the child at home using legalized and accredited curriculum. Parents teach their kids the required material in the comfort of their own home.
Why Choose Home Schooling?
There are various reasons for parents to choose homeschooling. In fact, religious beliefs and disagreements with the curriculum are just some of the reasons why parents choose to eschew traditional schooling.
Another reason parents may choose homeschooling is when a child has been bullied too much at school with no actions taken to prevent the behavior. Because a child’s safety is a priority, parents choose to home school their kids who have suffered the consequences of bullying.
Some parents also choose to home school their kids if no school can cater to their learning or developmental difficulties. By studying one-on-one with a parent, a child can learn better at their own pace and in a safe environment. Besides, with flexible schedules and learning for knowledge, not grades, it’s a great way to educate kids.
Critiquing Home Schooling
Many parents worry that homeschooling can harm a child’s socialization skills and keep them away from activities like sports and creativity. However, there are various sports classes and clubs that homeschooled kids can join like basketball, baseball or even martial arts for kids.
These places are great to encourage healthy socialization and keep them active.

Option #2: Traditional Schooling

What Is Traditional Schooling?
Enrolling kids in an institute for education is one of the most common ways to educate them. Kids share a classroom with each other and an assigned educator/academician implements the curriculum.
Why choose Traditional Schooling?
A traditional school is like a microcosm of society. It helps impart important socialization skills in and out of the classroom, and also helps kids to learn about the meritocratic system and social hierarchies that exist.
The ordered curriculum and fixed timings inculcate punctuality in children and the grading system is a way to reward and encourage hard work. Homework and projects teach kids responsibility and help them to take independent decisions for themselves.
The playground, sports leagues and social clubs are also a way to teach important social and educational lessons to kids.
Critiquing Traditional Schooling
Many parents end up feeling that their child’s individuality is being squashed, and many kids may run into bullies. Traditional schooling can also be detrimental to kids with special needs because a general discourse is followed.
However, it still is the closest replication of society and adult life that children will learn from.
So, parents, what do you think is the best way to educate kids?
Content written by: Javill Byron
Javill Byron is a recognized entrepreneur and philanthropist.  Javill Byron in conjunction with javillbyron.com, javillbyron.net, and javillbyron.org combine to uplift the communities they serve.  

Home School vs Traditional BY: Javill Byron

Home School vs Traditional BY: Javill Byron

Project analyzing homeschool vs traditional school


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