Leile is a service developed by SiO to help students get the right place to live in the rental market. Bekk developed the new brand digital identity, website, social media advertising, content and print. We focused mainly on students that are looking for new place to live and developed a design that is positive, minimalistic, bold and distinct.

DogA Award 2020
DogA jury statement: 

"By transferring the mechanisms from apps such as Tinder to the student housing market, Leile creates a fun and recognizable framework that makes the process of finding a place to live harmless.

We find it hard to put our finger on both visual and interaction design, and agree that this is a smart and easy-to-use solution to an important problem."
Vegard  Østlie, Direktør Digitalisering og Innovasjon i SiO
Thea Snilsberg Søfting, Interaksjonsdesigner i Bekk
Hans Magnus Inderberg, Utvikler / produktutvikler i Bekk
Lars Magnus Øksnes, Digital forretningsutvikler i Bekk
Mathilde Wærstad, Utvikler i Bekk
Ingar Almklov, Utvikler i Bekk
Kristian Rosland, Utvikler i Bekk
Linn Johansson, Interaksjonsdesigner i Bekk 
Hans Christian Øren, kreativ leder og designer i Bekk
Ben Høst, designer i Bekk