Perfil de Conor McLoughlin

Northern Ireland Troubles

ISTD Student Assessment 2019


Develop a typographic solution to one of the attached ISTD briefs. Your solution may involve multiple platforms (print, motion, interactivity etc.), but typographic communication is central to this project.

Protest: Take a current issue – large or small – and create a campaign of protest. Protest can be seen as a declaration; an objection; an affirmation; an assertion; a pledge; an outcry; a dissent. Whatever stance you select, your approach should be driven by your particular skills as a communicator.


With this project, I wanted to create a typographic outcry campaign expressing what was and still is going on in Northern Ireland, from the past to now. Starting with a trouble past the never really settled and what seems to hinder and hold back Northern Ireland today. There are select people of Northern Ireland are still not be given the rights they deserve, from the Irish language, abortion and same sex marriage. Times have changed and it is time to bring Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the world. The leaders of Northern Ireland need to stop ignoring the people that live in Northern Ireland, that they are suppose to lead and listen to them. As they are the future of Northern Ireland and should not be ignored, time they met to bring Northern Ireland forward.
UnSettled Past Book - Northern Irelands Troubles
No Longer Campaign Typographic Posters
No Longer Campaign Billboard AD
No Longer Campaign Website
Northern Ireland Troubles
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Northern Ireland Troubles

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