For project 5 we were assigned to make a booklet using a grid. It was to include a cover and 2 spreads.This was to give us experience using a grid on a multiple page document.There were several steps to this project.  The first part of the assignment was to choose fonts for our document, then we were to set up our grid. After that we were to sketch out our layout thumbnails and then make a digital sketch. With those steps completed we were to do several drafts of our booklet until it was refined enough for our final. I learned some very important lessons from this project. First, I learned about using a grid. I had never used a grid before this assignment so it was important for me learn the technical aspect of it. It was also important for me to get experience working with it. Second, I learned that each page layout doesn’t have to be exactly the same., but it needs to feel like it fits in the “family.” Third, I learned a lot about making a personality for a document and carrying that personality throughout the whole document. The personality is what makes the document exciting and inviting to the reader.  Really, I was able to combine a lot of the concepts I have learned in previous projects to achieve a successful design for this project. This was a great experience.
Art 230 Project 5

Art 230 Project 5

For project 5 we were assigned to make a booklet using a grid. It was to include a cover and 2 spreads.This was to give us experience using a gri Read More


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