Exhibition Design
Universal Materiality: Collaborative Design
for Aging and Disability
An exhibition showcasing the application of interactive textiles in wearables (clothing or accessory) focused on dressing challenges for people with disabilities and the elderly.

Design challenge
To increase awareness of inclusive design solutions.

What it is
Open Style Lab’s February 2019 exhibit Universal Materiality: Collaborative Design for Aging and Disability at 66 Fifth Avenue displayed clothing solutions for a population that was both aging and disabled. While their physical and cognitive abilities differed, aging and disability did not take away who they are as people. The common thread they shared was wanting clothing that supported greater independence and reflected their style and identity. This exhibition encourages viewers to consider the ways disability is interpreted in bodies, abilities and through the act of dressing. Clothing plays an important role in promoting and protecting the rights of older people with disabilities and facilitating their full participation in society. This collaborative research work involved
multidisciplinary practitioners, including fashion designers, engineers and occupational / physical therapists. From custom designed plexi dress forms to wheel-chair height mounts, this exhibition was designed to be accessible in multiple ways.

Figure 1. Grip tape for accessibility
Figure 2. CAD rendering of the gallery space

OSL Team
Grace Jun, Pinar Guvenc, Wooksang Kwon, Peter Trojic and Julia Liao

Eray / Carbajo, The New School, Parsons School of Design – School of Fashion (RSCP), The Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Institute of Textiles & Clothing (ITC)

Exhibition Design Universal Materiality

Exhibition Design Universal Materiality
