Product Design
Swipe 2.0
A 3-D printed accessory to assist people with limited dexterity or symptoms of paralysis in their arms and hands (such as patients with Parkinson’s disease, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and Arthritis) to swipe a NYC Metrocard.

Design challenge
To create a hands-free design to use the NYC subway system.

Figure 1. User mounting product on the Metro
What it is
Swipe focuses on the difficulties faced in transportation for a client named Christina Mallon- Michalove, a young independent woman with ALS working in New York. Christina has a rare form of ALS, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which has left her arms and hands completely paralyzed. She progressively lost the use of her hands and arms over the years, which has made dressing and transportation difficult. According to the 2019 Bureau of Labor Statics, Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics, the unemployment rate for people is double that of able bodied people. Without accessory devices like Swipe, Christina and many others would be prevented from commuting to work. Thus, Christina and Julia designed Swipe to tackle limited mobility or paralysis in the arms or hands.

Figure 2. Exploded view diagram of Swipe
Figure 3. Prototypes of different iterations of Swipe and compatible straps for self donning

OSL Team
Christina Mallon-Michalove, Julia Liao

Estee Bruno, Claudia Poh, and Ultimaker

Product Design Swipe 2.0

Product Design Swipe 2.0


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