As designers, we feel compelled to use our talents to generate awareness of the environmental issues facing society. We begin by encouraging our clients to eliminate ineffective marketing materials and focus on design solutions with a longer shelf life. This approach cuts costs, makes consumers feel great about their purchase, all while reducing the impact on the environment. 
In addition to striving to be an eco-conscious design agency, we also initiate our own projects. Our eco-art installations, Urban Tumbleweeds and Watershed, raises awareness and helps the public visualize the impacts of the world's current rate of consumption. 
Our green design solutions produce maximum results for brands yet have a minimal impact on the environment.
MSLK Mission Statement
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MSLK Mission Statement

MSLK, a boutique design studio, needed a permanent and polished narrative that would elaborate on its mission statement and studio identity for p Daha Fazla Bilgi

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