This image is an attempt to recreate the style of image as work by Miki Tkahashi. This image is the best from my test images. This is really a massive rip off of her work, with not much of my own ideas in here, just a copy of her style, however I hope to develop this idea into my own style during this project.
This image is along the same idea as the first (however not quite as well executed). For this image, I was trying to experiment with different types of images; I noticed that Miki Takahashi normally uses landscapes or wide scenes, and as had I in my test images. In this image I used a more close up photo. I'm not dure how well this works, but I think it may be effective if i spent more time in manipulation.
(yes it is the same portrait as the first image.... I haven't yet had time to take any better...)
This image is based on a similar principle, but quite some distance from Takahashi's work. This, I feel, is more the visual route I am going to take throughout this project; The manipulation process is much more straighforward, and beacuse of this the results are a lot more consistent. However, these images are much more 'bold' than the first, more subtle, reflective kind.... This is something i need to consider before advancing in this project.
Deep Thoughts

Deep Thoughts

During this project, I am going to explore the use of multiple images with portraits using (hopefully) many techniques both digital and perhaps d Read More


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