Profil użytkownika „Lorcan Fidler”

Early sketches of Lorcan and Guarmati

At the beginning of my first FMP, I've started sketching a few simple sketches of what I would like to include in my animation. As this is my FMP and I had full creative freedom to create what I want, I've settle for a self-inserted animation of myself having an nightmare. Not sure why I want with that idea, but I think it was a last minute decision because I wasn't comfortable with the original idea that I had planned. 
Here's a character sheet of a self-portrait of myself and a character that I've designed at the beginning of the year on my course, Guarmati, the eyeball with wings. Looking over the old style in my work, I can definitely see myself trying to search and stick with a style that I would be comfortable with. Especially in my anatomy. It doesn't look too bad here, although there was room for improvement later on.  
I would like to apologise for the presentation of the images here. I've print-scan them and turned out that my light sketching didn't show up that well when print-scanned.

Anyways, this was a sketch of to what would be the first scene in my animation. This was done before I've started on my storyboards. I can tell from back then that background designs was something I looked into that often, however I do include it in my work, it probably one of the highlights personally as I can incorporate two parts of a scenery and combine them into a believable yet fictional world. Not sure if it bests applies here, but I feel the point it still presents here.

The website link for this project:
Early sketches of Lorcan and Guarmati

Early sketches of Lorcan and Guarmati
