Avo is a floating avocado seed growing tool designed with an open-design mindset to provide a personalized user experience and significantly lower the product's eco-footprint.
The idea came about when my girlfriend asked me to invent a tool to replace the ugly toothpicks stuck into our avocado seeds. The biggest problem with the "toothpick solution" was not it's aesthetic, but rather that it's impracticality. The seed needs constant water underneath to grow. Due to evaporation after a few days, the water level significantly reduces, and the seed dries out. Thanks to Avo, the seed always floats on the same level in the water.
A third of the seed needs to be in water all the time, and the rest of the core should remain dry to avoid fungus on the surface. Avo keeps your seeds always on the right level, no matter their size.
Avo is not just a simple donut shape, but the result of iterative tests to calculate the perfect volume, weight, and dimension, as well as the most efficient printing time and most suitable material. Avo is ready to 3D print in the nearest fablab or 3D printer to your location. It is also made of biodegradable PLA material.
Avo was modeled and sliced for printing in various open-source softwares
Modeled in Blender
Slice and printing setup in Craftware
Thanks for watching!



Avo is a floating avocado seed growing tool designed with an open-design mindset to provide a personalized user experience and significantly lowe Læs mere
