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World Happiness and Economic Freedom Poster

World Happiness and Economic Freedom
Self initiated, 2019

Does economic freedom make us happy? Are small countries economically more successful? Are there global regions which are happier than others? Does a high tax burden help a country to prosper? Which indicators help us to best understand development?

In a self-initiated project, Superdot visually compared 194 countries in five global regions using six indicators from the World Heritage Foundation and the World Happiness Report:

World Happiness Report Score – square
Overall Economics Freedom Score – black dot
Fiscal Freedom – blue dot
Judicial Effectiveness – violet dot
Government Integrity – red dot
Property Rights – orange dot.

Get a macroscopic overview and dive into micro perspectives, comparing your country to your regional neighbors, and explore the relationships between economics and happiness.

World Happiness and Economic Freedom Poster

World Happiness and Economic Freedom Poster

Get a macroscopic overview and dive into micro perspectives, comparing your country to your regional neighbors, and explore the relationships bet Read More
