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Designed by: Chew Jia Ying, Albert Lee, Corina Tan 
Busy lifestyles, rising costs of space, more and more of us are working at temporary space and there simply isn't enough room! Yet keys, wallets, phones and other essentials need a "home" when they're out of your pockets. So we thought... You carry your laptop everywhere, why not let it carry things for you? 
So we came up with STITX-  A sitck-on organizer for your belongings and gadgets necessary for work on-the-go bringing you convenience by sitting snugly at the back of your laptop, reducing the clutter of things on the already-tiny workspaces. 
If all you need is a little more space, Pocket STITX is perfect for you! 
Pocket STITX can be used with iPad too! 
Materials used to make STITX are: Genuine leather, 100% Wool Felt, Suede, Re-constituted Leather and Acrylic Canvas


Chew Jia Ying, Albert Lee, Corina Tan STITX is a sitck-on organizer for your belongings and gadgets necessary for work on-the-go, bringing you Read More
