Remy Rossi's profile

Greater Mekong | Visual identity

Visual identity | Ink on canvas & digital

The Greater Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy is the largest annual knowledge-sharing event in the Greater Mekong. It presents research-based evidence to non-governmental organisations, policy-makers, the private sector, and development agencies. It does this through carefully designed and facilitated dialogues.
The Forum is convened by the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems with support from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

People | Fisheries | Hydropower | Rivers​​​​​​​
The Naga head logo is the original client's logo – Naga House. 
I revisited its details and stamped it; then I integrated it as part of the visual identity.
4 thematic posters
| People |
| Fisheries |
| Hydropower |
| River basins |
Branded materials & location

The forum took place at the Inya Lake Hotel,
Yangon, Myanmar
Wide banner (x1)
2-sided banners (x9)
Terrasse lake & park's views
Standard banners (x8)
Mingalar room
Backdrops (x8)
Registration, Picture Point, Diner; Elephant, Ruby, Mingalar (x2), Jade rooms
Below is the Mingalar room's welcome
X-Stands (x4)
Elephant, Jade, Mingalar, and Ruby rooms
Mugs (x3)
Notepad (x1)​​​​​​​
Postcards (x4)
Name tag (~400 guests)
Greater Mekong | Visual identity

Greater Mekong | Visual identity

Branding | A Greater Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy 2018, commissioned by Naga House, WLE Mekong
