Henkilön Jesica Kolins profiili

Cover Illustration (A Colaborative Book)

Alternative Cover Design by: Adríana Cárdenas
Original illustration by me: Jesica Colín O.                            
"A body can be anything, an animal, a sound body,
a soul or an idea, a linguistic corpus, a social body, a collective"
Deleuze (1981: 155)
Title: Corpografías desde las artes
Author: Bacarlett Pérez, María Luisa / Bermejo Pino, Karina / Hoyos González, Pablo / Ortega Salgado, Cynthia / Sienra Chaves, Sofía
Collaborators: Ortega Salgado, Cynthia / Aguiluz Ibargüen, Maya / Hoyos González, Pablo
Publication date: 2018-09
Editor: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Repositorio Institucional UAEMex                                                 Fondo Editorial CEIICH UNAM
The following screenshots show my illustration work, as a collaboration for this interesting project whose final result is a "cartonero" book.   Digital file is in (open access) PDF.
Illustrations correspond to the second content: "El cuerpo en traslación" / Body in translation by Karina Bermejo
Synopsis: In this compilation the objective is to reflect on the body as an artistic object and object of writing. In an approach from art and philosophy, this work expresses the deep link between corporality, meaning and resistance, making the body a place of aesthetic and political manifestations.
This book is part of the "Ensamblar-nos" project, in which the Faculty of Arts of the UAEMéx and the CEIICH of the UNAM are linked. It includes academic contributions from national and international researchers, as well as the creation of unpublished images of students of Plastic Arts and Digital Art of the Faculty of Arts of the UAEMéx and also of the School of Fine Arts.
Visit:  Repositorio Institucional  UAEMex   
 Or you can visit too:  Fondo Editorial CEIICH UNAM
Cover Illustration (A Colaborative Book)


Cover Illustration (A Colaborative Book)

My illustration work as a collaboration for this interesting project whose final result is a "cartonero" book.
