Kevin Lu profili

Translations - Tree & Vine Branding

Process documentation for a project I worked on while taking DES-300, a design process class I took while studying at San Francisco State University.
A poem given to me as the basis of my project. The poem is intentionally in a foreign language, the meaning and translation are unknown to me. I begin experimenting with the poem based solely off visual appearance of the poem and its abstract characteristics.
Creating 3D translation of sketches by cutting out cardboard using letter stencils, then arranging the cardboard in unique ways.
Photographing interactions between 3D translation and real world. At this point I am instructed to create a poster series using inspiration from my explorations.
Photographing text behind shower glass to create an interesting texture.
Vectoring images inspired by the poem and creating posters.
Final design for the poster series. I am then advised to develop these posters into something that fits the real world of design. I decide to work on creating a brand for wine using a similar style of graphics.
Experimenting with type and color for creating a brand. The brand is Tree & Vine, a fictitious wine company. 
Final design for the label.
Mockup of a fictitious website for the brand.
Translations - Tree & Vine Branding
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Translations - Tree & Vine Branding

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