VG Meet
UX/UI Design
As a person who plays video games fairly often, it occurred to me that there aren’t any apps for gamers to schedule gaming sessions, meet up with friends, or find people with the same interests. Putting two and two together, the idea of VG Meet was constructed. An app with these three core functions.
Discovery & Ideation
When I came to this conclusion, it was decided that this idea needed to come to fruition. Going to the drawing board, brainstorming and research was conducted drawing inspiration from all the other successful apps out there. All those apps had one thing in common, a great user experience. If this app were to be successful it needed this notion at the base of everything. Site maps, UX tables, and wireframes were created to get the ball rolling. Of course, the target audience needed to consist of gamers.
Concluding the research and brainstorming, the final product would include a home screen which included a calendar for events, gaming sessions, meet ups, and a news feed. A friends tab to see what your friends are up to, add friends, and contact said friends. The final screen would be the messaging portion of the app where you can connect with friends and possible new friends.
Reminiscing about the project, I came to the conclusion that creating an app from scratch is a satisfying challenge that in time will be on the Google Play Store, and the App Store. When one is working on a set schedule, it’s critical to manage one’s time wisely. As with all my projects, this is one skill that one must and can improve on.
Reflecting on this project made me realize that creating an app, one goes through every step of the design process in great detail. Obviously, with all projects one doesn’t want to leave anything on the table but with UX/UI, every option must be explored.
VG Meet

VG Meet


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