Design for Mobile 
School project where we had to design a section on visitserbia. The section(s) had to be mobile-based in design, and needed to show two different user flows.
First sketches - Overview of tendencies
Sketched a bunch of usual design choices for travel sites, to get an overall view of what worked and what I liked.
My site sketch
Combined the things that I liked into sketches for my site.
I chose to make 2 user flows because they looked similar in design and sort of had the same theme of travel tips - one is just supposed to be official statistics, while the other is blogged-based and more of a personal taste. 
I started with three different mood boards and ideas; Old Vs. New, City Vs. Nature, and something culinary. In the end I chose to combine two of them.
The mood boards contained colours and thought that in the end was combined too.
My final Moodboard
Traditions Vs Modernisation - who were they and who are they now? 
How far have they come in all aspects?
Guide for fonts, icons/buttons, patterns, colours, picture-styles and "design-feel".​​​​​​​
Icons and Buttons
Icons used on the pages in all different color variations.
6 columns with a gutter width of 12 is going to help me make sure that enough air gets into the design.
Taking inspiration from, I took the general structure of columns and grids, but put in more air and less text on the "frontpage" of the exploration site.
Screenshots of design
Screenshots of Adobe XD Prototype.
Trying out different designs in XD, my final design kept most of the wireframe elements, but deviated every once in a while when something didn't fit or looked odd.
User Flow - 1
Video showing user interaction 1.
User Flow - 2
Video showing user interaction 2.

 User Flow - 3
Video showing user interaction 3.
Visit Serbia

Visit Serbia

A school project about creating a site on for tourism
