29.97 - Grad Show Exhibition

29.97 - DO SH*T YOU LOVE 
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.​​​​​​​

如同展覽者,勇敢面對自我,嘗試未知,Just “Do Sh*t You Love.”

29.97 look like a scrambled text at first sight, but it’s able to make digital images synchronized with digital sounds.  As a result, it has become a primogenitor and a major breakthrough in digital technology.  We visualized number 29.97 as magnetic tapes and then distort them.  In doing so, these tapes will be no longer functional, yet we can carry out the dynamic of its light and shade while attaining impossibility of its form.

Like students from DMD( Department of Digital Media Design) in Ming Chuan University, who dare to challenge themselves and explore the unknown. 
Just “Do Sh*t You Love”, everyone can create their own “29.97”.
主視覺設計 KeyVisual Design
邀請卡設計 Invivation Card
The main body of the invitation card is cassette. Although the card is squared, the information is wrong information. If it is opened, the shape is irregular, the information can be fully presented, and the ridiculous image shows good results.o nly those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.
專刊設計 Graduation Book ( USB )
The main body of the graducation book is a vhs packing, and the graduation book is presented in the USB. Among them, the structure needs to be turned to an abnormal angle to be taken out. only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.
網路行銷 Marketing
the c4d turtorial, the introduction of exhibition works, the introduction of the surrounding products.
服裝(教練外套) Uniform(coach jacket)
銘傳大學 校內展場 Exhibition ( school )
新一代展場 Exhibition ( 36th Young Desinger's Exhibition )
主視覺形象片 Concept Movie
今年畢展組別分為影視、動畫、遊戲 、多媒體四組,影片以此四項類別對應挑選了台灣四個經典的設計案例做為致敬,影視對應艋舺、動畫 對應魔法阿嬤、遊戲對應返校、多媒體對應PTT論壇。 這些經典作品同樣是經歷堅持和各種風雨才能達到如此境界,走過這些畫面象徵著銘傳數媒帶著新 的技術並能夠學習前人的精神堅持到最後。

Key Visual Design   Parker Shen 沈家緯 
Art Direction  Ka Chou Ng 吳嘉進 /  Parker Shen 沈家緯 
Creative Direction  Parker Shen 沈家緯  /  Ka Chou Ng 吳嘉進 
Project Manager  杜茂綸
Exhibition Design  Ka Chou Ng 吳嘉進 / Parker Shen 沈家緯 / 杜茂綸
Product  Yung Shun Lin 林詠順  /  王瑀澤 James Wang / Jason Chiang 蔣承軒
Photography  杜茂綸
Music  Yufu Chen  陳郁夫

Teacher 黃思彧 / 陳柏年 / 章耀勳​​​​​​​
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29.97 - Grad Show Exhibition

29.97 - Grad Show Exhibition

29.97 look like a scrambled text at first glance, but it’s able to reach synchronization of digital images and sounds. Hence, it has become a pri Se mer
