Perfil de Andrew C

Infograph: Girl Talk Song Poster

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Close up of song/television show breakdown.
Close up of track appearance breakdown.
Infographic Poster: Girl Talk Song Mashup.
This Infographic poster was made in my Informational Architecture class at MassArt. The assignment was to take a Girl Talk song, and then create an infographic for it using some form of external data that is relevant to the song chosen.
I chose the song "In Step" by Girl Talk and I noticed that I recognized a lot of the songs sampled from different shows or movies. That led me to the idea of "In Step, On Air" which is what this poster is all about. All of the songs sampled in "In Step" were featured on at least one television show or movie, and that is what is displayed on the left hand side of the poster. The color coding system in the half circle serves to show the genre of each tv show and movie as it correlates to the sampled song. The top right area is the track listing of sampled songs from "In Step" and the light blue areas are where the particular sample appears in the song.
Infograph: Girl Talk Song Poster

Infograph: Girl Talk Song Poster

Informational Infograph showing the song "In Step" by Girl Talk. The infograph breaks down the song and shows what tv shows and movies the sample Leer más
