
Brief: Create and brand a charity or social enterprise tackling an issue.

For too long those with invisible illnesses have been unseen and unheard. 96% of illnesses are invisible - from Crohn’s, to fibromyalgia, to M.E, affecting millions of people across the world. The concealed nature of these illnesses leads to a plethora of issues for those affected, from unwanted comments, to judgement, to general stigma and not being taken seriously. Along with these problems, many of these illnesses share similar symptoms - but the wider ‘community’ is currently split into diagnoses,

Invisible is a campaign to strengthen the community of invisible illness sufferers - to provide resources, support, and promote compassion and awareness amongst the general public through interactive typographic led campaigns. 

Together, this community can make its voice louder to make invisible illnesses seen.




Making invisible illnesses seen.
