Yi Luos profil

To Become Immortal and Then:

To Become Immortal and Then:
Thesis Research on Yugoslav Spomenik Monuments

Yi Luo
MFA Thesis Research
Course Objectives: 

1. To explore and identify an appropriate thesis topic; 
2. To become acquainted with research concepts and methodologies, with a focus on research in, though, for, and about design.

Phase 1:
Topic Ideation + Design Response to Spomenik Monument Database (Pixelated Spomeniks)

Phase 2:
Reading + Interactive Performance (Don't Cry for Me Yugoslavia)

Phase 3:
Literature Review + Speculative Design (The Last Ever Monument & Earth Samples Discovered on Mars)

Phase 4:
Pamphlet + MFA Candidacy Review

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To Become Immortal and Then:


To Become Immortal and Then:
