The concept of the project is based on establishing a parallel connection
between the reality that we live in, what is perceptible,
visible and tangable and that which is farthest from us,
like the cosmos, space and the universe.
Both spaces surround us, they are part of us, however the
sensations that one terrain transmits compared to the other are
totally different. A point of connection between both spaces is the light. 
Light determines distances, roads, places ...
The project consisted in creating a space where which in the
viewer can escape from this close reality to approaching another more distant. 
To make you see that both spaces coexist constant form. 
Bring to our reality a tiny part of the cosmos.
The viewer experiences sensations, such as disorientation and perplexity. 
With the use of diffuse moving lights, causes the protagonist to loose all sense 
of space and time.

 This project began with the idealization of a light representation where a play of lights was created by reflecting the projection of light onto a reflective paper. The main idea was to place a bulb focused towards the ceiling of our ball and in this place a reflective paper, which would be the generator of the desired reflections. We were interested in the diffuse moving light refletions that were generated. In this way we came up with the idea of creating a lamp and we continue our project taking into account this concept.
At the end of the manual realization of the project and taking into account that the light bulb was placed
inside, we began to test if we could get those reflections through the interior of our lamp, but it turned out more difficult than we thought. The reflections arose in the upper part and in the center but they did not reach in the lower part, nor was reflected in the ground and that did not interest us. 
We wanted to get an enveloping atmosphere.
Later we came up with the idea of generating a filter that could provide us with the same effect, although for that, we had to change the bulb by focusing it towards the bottom. We tried many types of luminaires, and we knew that we were looking for a light that was not very powerful and direct.
We found a material called Black foil, it is a malleable but hard material made of a very thin plate of metal and matte black color, which thing linked perfectly with our project since the whole inner part of this lamp It is painted matt black. It was then, when with this material we generated a filter with holes in which the light passes through it and generates projections that seemed to us in accordance with our concept, which extend throughout the interior part of the object and reach the ground.
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The concept of the project is based on establishing a parallel connection between the reality that we live in, what is perceptible, visible and t Daha Fazla Bilgi

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