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The Power of Young People to Change the World

The Power of Young People to Change the World
Young people have the power, strength and all it takes to change the world. They can do anything they because they have the capability. They have fewer responsibilities in their lives and can use the time they have to transform the world. Young people can help end oppressive governments, reduce hunger and poverty, protect the environment, reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS, fight for the rights of the less privileged, and prevent violent conflicts. They also have power to reduce the effects of natural disasters thus ensuring safety and security in the world. However, there are some people who do not believe the youths can help in transforming the world. They deny young people the chance to participate in activities that can change the universe. This paper discusses how young people can transform the world and suggests that they should be given a chance to do what they can in their youth.
Firstly, young people have the power to stop oppressive governments and regimes from continuously oppressing people. This is because young people can easily notice inhumanity and oppression from the government. They do not live in the cocoon of obeying the “rule of the law”. Instead, they have dynamic ideas that cannot be rigid. They cannot allow unfair and undemocratic governments to remain in power while they can do something to save people. Since young people can easily organize themselves into militia groups, they do so and liberate their nation from the oppressive regimes. For instance, youth liberated the people of Tunisia and Egypt from repressive regimes. The young have little responsibilities because they do not have families to take care of. Therefore, they are ready to sacrifice themselves even to die while fighting for their freedom and against oppression.
Secondly, young people have the power to combat hunger and poverty. They have the capacity to work hard and eliminate hunger and poverty in the society. They have energy to work hard as compared to the older people. On the same note, the young interact easily with other people from all parts of the world through the Internet. Consequently, they have a chance to learn modern farming methods and other means of making money. This can help the society to avoid extreme hunger and poverty. Since the young people can learn new skills, they can be trained, understand, and apply what they have learnt to change the economic status of their community.
Thirdly, young people have the power to protect the environment. Environmental pollution and degradation occur because of ignorance, poverty, and selfishness. Fortunately, the young have the power to prevent other people from destroying the environment. Youth can be involved in environmental campaigns and public education that rallies to educate people on the impotence of preserving the environment. On the same note, young people can participate in activities that preserve the environment such as planting trees and cleaning. They can mobilize the entire society to stop destroying the environment, and the fruits of their efforts can change the world.
Fourthly, young people can halt the spread of AIDS. Most of them are sexually active. They are the ones that cause the highest percentage of HIV spreading. However, young people can help reduce the spread. This is because they have the best communication methods that do not require identification. Thus, young people can start campaigns against HIV and AIDs on the social media. Those who are already affected or infected can easily share their stories without revealing their real identity. Therefore, the probability of stigma is reduced. On the same note, young people have a lot of free time which can be utilized to educate fellow youths and the entire world on HIV and AIDS. Educating people on how to prevent themselves and how to react after getting to know that they are infected is the best way of reducing the spread of the deadly virus.
Young people have the power to stand for the rights of those who suffer discrimination based on sexual orientation, race, and gender. They are vulnerable to all types of discrimination. At their age, they are likely to travel to different places searching for jobs and other opportunities. Therefore, most of the youths either have experienced discrimination at one point in their lives or will encounter it. They understand this and are usually ready to fight against discrimination. They are young and have the energy to riot and demonstrate. These activities can save a suffering group that had been discriminated based on age, gender, race, or sexual orientation.
In addition, youth can mitigate and prevent violent conflicts. Conflicts are part of life; however, violent conflict is negative and can cause a lot of harm. Young people are the ones who are mostly involved in armed conflicts as warriors and soldiers. In this case, youth have the power to convince their people not to involve into war. They can also convince the elders who are mostly the decision-makers that the dispute should be solved non-violently. The fact that they are the ones with the energy to fight the enemy on the battlefield empowers them.
Similarly, young people have the power to reduce the impacts of natural disasters. Despite the fact that natural disasters occur naturally and are hard to prevent, it is possible to reduce the impacts they have on the affected society. Young people are capable of helping the community recover from the consequences of a natural disaster. The youth are faster in their actions and can help in the search and rescue operations whenever a natural disaster strikes. They can also be useful in educating people on how to behave whenever they are faced with a natural disaster.
Despite the fact that young people can do very many things to transform the world, they face challenges that make it hard for them to do so. Firstly, there are some people in the society who do not believe that the youth can really do anything. They see them as young and inexperienced. Some want the young people to remain “future leaders” until they are old. Thus, all the energy that the young people have is wasted. They are only allowed to participate after they have passed the youthful age.
In conclusion, young people have the power to change the world. The young have not only time but also energy to transform the world. They are capable of ensuring sustainable development, reducing hunger and poverty, preventing and mitigating conflicts, fighting for the rights of the vulnerable groups in the society, supporting countries going through transition, making the world a safer place, and ensuring gender equality. However, young people cannot achieve the above without the support from the entire society. They should be supported by the government and the elders so that they are given the space to do what they can.
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The Power of Young People to Change the World

The Power of Young People to Change the World


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