Profil von Ginger Collier

Downtown Jonesboro Campaign

Webpage Home
Direct mail postcard.
Direct mail postcard.
Direct mail postcard.
Direct mail postcard.
Environmental graphics
Three brochure covers introducing the campaign slogan "Get the Main idea."
The first and largest of the print ads for the new campaign.
The second, medium-sized print ad.
The third and smallest of the print ads for the DJA campaign.

Direct mail piece
Direct mail piece.
Additional environmental graphics
Guerilla Marketing: door decals for supportive businesses around town
Guerilla Marketing: crosswalks custom painted around town to promote downtown Jonesboro
Downtown Jonesboro facebook page
Coupons via social media
Downtown Jonesboro Campaign

Downtown Jonesboro Campaign

Objective: Work collaboratively with five other group members to create a campaign for downtown Jonesboro, AR using the already established logo.
