Porsche with Pascal Schonlau

"It’s always the first step that takes the most guts. That intimidates us. Terrifies us. Ignore former achievements. And get out of your comfort zone. Never feel sorry to be the Rookie. Because it takes the heart of a winner to start from zero." – #startfromzero

Porsche's “Start From Zero” campaign visualises the electrifying beginning of a new phase for Porsche Motorsport: their debut in Formula E. Porsche’s assigned driver Neel Jani joined Pascal on set for a bold portrait in his full racing outfit.

The concept fits the first steps into unknown territory – showing the second generation car in a mysterious architectural setting. In a custom built set by Anorak Production, a bold glowing “0” floods the scene with neon light. 

The lighting concept enhances the design of the car whilst maintaining a natural look with more diffuse light within the environment. With careful colour grading, we maintained printability in the images whilst packing the maximum power into the deep, intensely saturated reds.
Client: Porsche
Agency: Proximity
Photographer: Pascal Schonlau
Art Director: Stefanie Steinberg
Executive Creative Director: Daniel Haschtmann
Art Director: Philipp Alings
Art Buyer: Birgit Paulat
Post Artists: Pepe Alram Aljaz Bezjak, Kate Brown, Maria Luisa Calosso, Nuria Segura / Recom Farmhouse London
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Porsche with Pascal Schonlau

Porsche with Pascal Schonlau

"It’s always the first step that takes the most guts. Ignore former achievements. And get out of your comfort zone. Never feel sorry to be the Ro Rozwiń
