#DailyUI 008 - 404 page
in between racing to complete daily challenges and taking time to learn as much as I can. I'm sure I've seen a where's Waldo 404 page before so don't give me any originality credit on that front
I've always struggled with the pen tool, mostly because I just avoid it. So for this challenge I used the pen tool to trace out Waldo, messing with anchor points, curves, and lines. I'm a bit more comfortable with it now, but will continue to work with it until it becomes second nature.
Instead of using an existing home icon I mad one with the pen tool.
I liked how home with a little shadow made it look like paper. At first I was on a much brighter background, and then realized it should be a bit darker so "Home" would be more legible.
complete. This is also my first attempt at fleshing out a Behance project with more screenshots and detail. Let me know what you think 😁


#DailyUI 008 - 404 page.

