Designed For Learning

Project Statement: Design is what our world is supported by; without it, society could not function. And while everyone, everywhere interacts with design, our world is constructed by a very small pool of people, most of whom are statistically male, white, and upper class; the most privileged of society.  
In many ways, diversity in design has benefited society greatly. With diversity of experiences comes a new set of beliefs, preconceptions, and solutions to the problems we face in our day to day lives. As said by Antionette Carroll in “Diversity & Inclusion in Design: Why Do They Matter?”(AIGA 2014), “the shifting status of “minorities” in the U.S. affects not only the pool of possible future designers at the K-12 level, but also the makeup of our clients, colleagues and collaborators. From a practical (not to mention moral) standpoint, diversity and inclusion within the field of design lead to more innovation through problem-solving, whether in service to business or society.”
Considering diversified paths to design and the wide range of design practices, I was inspired to learn more about bridging socioeconomic, elitist, racial, and gender gaps in the world of design by introducing design into a high school. Utilizing the frameworks used in schools today, Designed for Learning addresses the ideas of inclusion in design by creating an accessible design curriculum.
Course Materials: All the bits and pieces that make "What's In Your Lunchbox", a class by Designed for Learning
(1) Class Syllabus, (7) Class Lectures, (7) Class Guides, (1) Presentation Template
Project Poster + Me Looking Profesh
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Designed for Learning

Designed for Learning

Degree project from MassArt around inclusive K-12 Design teaching made for a wide variety of students
